"My House shall be called a House of Prayer... "
The Olive Branch Christian Fellowship
Spirit Filled
Located in downtown Waco, Texas, TOBCF has a strong scriptural and doctrinal foundation, yet doesn't get weighed down by the religious traditions of man. We seek to be lead by the Holy Spirit in all that we do. More than anything else, our heart is to train up a generation of Jesus lovers who seek His face above all else, and sacrifice their lives to reach the lost.
Truly the harvest is plentiful and the workers are few. Yet the Lord has sent so many faithful laborers to TOBCF to carry out the work of the Father. As you explore this website you will see all of the ministries that have been birthed out of this church family. Some that may minister to you, and others that may call you to partner with us to minister to others!
A Place of True Freedom
Senior Pastor Rick Ogles was called by God into the Healing and Deliverance Ministry in 1987. He has trained a team of Intercessors in the Biblical art of casting demons out of the oppressed and laying hands on the sick. If you or a loved one needs Healing or Deliverance please schedule a deliverance with us today.
TOBCF is also known as a place where you can worship freely, prophesy freely, and be free to just be yourself!

1101 Columbus Ave.
Waco, TX 76701
Church Landline: 254-759-5767
Church Cell: 254-715-7049