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Dream Interpretation

We believe that God is still speaking to His people as He did in Biblical times. Not only does God speak to us through His Word, through other people and circumstances, and our inner "knowing" or discernment - but He also speaks to us in our dreams. The Lord used Joseph to interpret the dream of a Pharoah and save an entire region from drought famine. Even the strangest dream can sometimes speak to us when interpreted using Biblical symbols and hearing the prophetic message hidden within.

When you have a dream, write it down immediately; even if it is in the middle of the night. It is important to include small details, such as the color of and object, or how something made you "feel" in the dream. Anyone who hears the Lord's voice is able to pray and ask for an interpretation. There are many books and teachings on dream interpretation that can help you grow in this area.

The most important thing to understand is that our dreams are an invitation to talk to God. The Lord doesn't want us to always rely on somone else to interpret our dreams for us. He wants to dialog with us. He wants us to connect to Him. And sometimes a strange dream that we don't understand is a great way to start up a conversation with us.

When you dream, go to the Lord first, and ask Him what the dream means. If you still cannot gain understanding, take it to someone you trust and ask them to pray about it. If you still need help, you can turn to Christian dream interpretation books and resources. However, do not Google it or use secular dream symbols, as it will give you a completely different interpretation.

We don't always get the interpretation, but we can always seek the Lord alongside you and see if He reveals anything to us.

Other times, we just have to put the dream on a shelf and wait for the interpretation to come.

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