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Above the Clouds


Worship, Intercession, and the House of Prayer

                In 2009, the Lord lead Pastor Rick Ogles to hold prayer meetings every morning at 6am when the church was located in Whitney, Tx. Only a few people came every morning to pray, but the Lord began to pour out His Spirit in a mighty way, both personally and corporately. It was through this sacrifice in prayer, that God taught Ogles how to quiet himself in a deeper form of prayer called Contemplative Prayer. Instead of always talking to God, we discipline ourselves to be quiet, and wait on the Lord for Him to speak. The Lord takes delight in us when we wait on Him, and he rewards us with His manifest presence.

                When TOBCF moved to Waco, TX, Pastor Rick began to hold weekly prayer meetings. After visiting and learning from other Houses of Prayer, they began to hold weekly House of Prayer meetings in 2015, that would combine worship and intercession. Each meeting had a prayer focus, and musicians and intercessors partnered together to shift the atmosphere and see change in the region and even in the nations.

                After many faithful years of these weekly meetings, the Lord began to breath a fresh breath of direction for these powerful meetings. The direction was to begin speaking in tongues, hear the Father’s heart, and then pray and sing what was received from God. This new direction helped to put more of a focus on the prophetic, partnering with the prayer focus that is on the Lord’s heart.

                It is our desire that every member at TOBCF find a time in their schedule to participate at least monthly in one of the House of Prayer meetings. TOBCF leaders and anyone who serve in any position in the church are required to attend at least one House of Prayer meeting every month. Although we realize that our personal time with God is most important, it is also detrimental to come together on a regular basis to pray corporately. Jesus expected His disciples to pray together, especially in troubling times. The Word also says that where 2 or more are gathered, that God is in our midst.

                We do not wish to put any extra burden on those who work full time jobs, but the House of Prayer sessions are at the very heart of our ministry. House of Prayer fuels every other part of the vision. There was a time that we stopped our HOP meetings for a few weeks and it felt as if the spiritual atmosphere was drying up. We restarted the meetings and the Lord poured out His Spirit in a greater measure. Many of us at TOBCF have made a vow to the Lord to do the House of Prayer until He returns, Lord willing.


            Before Jesus Returns there will be thousands if not millions of Houses of Prayer established throughout the nations. In the last 20 years the Holy Spirit has been emphasizing the importance of building Houses of Prayer. Each House of Prayer established will have its own expression or identity, given personally by the Holy Spirit. We can learn from each HOP since there may be some similarities, but our HOP identity will be unique from all the others. It’s up to us to fast and pray to catch the vision for the House of Prayer.

            We all know that prayer changes everything: sets us on fire for Jesus Christ, gives us boldness to share the Gospel, anoints us to serve and set the captives free, changes the atmosphere in communities and cities, and ultimately releases knowledge, understanding, wisdom and might. If we don’t pray, things will remain the same UNTIL we do. Without prayer individually and corporately, none of us are truly effective to fulfill the mandate that has been given.


            If you have never experienced this, you are missing out on a deeper connection to the body you have been called to. If you are a new member and are seeking to be considered for a position of any kind, the first place to start is by consistently partnering with us in the House of Prayer.


“One thing I have desired of the Lord, that will I seek:
That I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life,
To behold the beauty of the Lord, and to inquire in His temple.”

Psalm 27:4


“15 Therefore by Him let us continually offer the sacrifice of praise to God,

that is, the fruit of our lips, giving thanks to His name.”

Hebrews 13:15


“23 But the hour is coming, and now is, when the true worshipers will worship

the Father in spirit and truth; for the Father is seeking such to worship Him.”

John 4:23


            Many beautiful things have been prophesied over the TOBCF music department. In 2012, Angela Gassaway became the full-time worship leader at the Olive Branch. Many prophets that speak into her life speak of a training center for worship leaders. They also prophesy that there will be multiple worship teams springing forth out of TOBCF; some will be “in-house,” some will go out, and some will do both.  For many years, we have petitioned the Lord for singers and musicians to come into our body and partner with us in music ministry and the House of Prayer.

            Our main goal in worship is to be lovers and seekers of His presence. Another goal is to lead the congregation in prophetic worship, hearing what is on the Lord’s heart during that service, and releasing it in song.

            There is also a calling for prophetic dance ministry. We believe that anyone who minsters in music or dance should be trained spiritually and musically so that we can skillfully express the heart of God. In the Old Testament Holy Temple, thousands of musicians and servants were trained to minster to the Lord and to the people with excellence. Worship continued in the temple day and night, night and day, 365 days a year. It never stopped. This is the concept behind a House of Prayer; to build a tabernacle of David (2 Chronicles 13). Our goal is to lift up worship and prayer to our God, 24 hours a day.

            If you are new to our fellowship and seek to partner in Music or Dance Ministry, your first place to start is to become faithful in House of Prayer attendance.

“30 So I sought for a man among them who would make a wall,

and stand in the gap before Me on behalf of the land, that I should not destroy it; but I found no one.”

Ezekiel 22:30


“Therefore I exhort first of all that supplications, prayers, intercessions,

and giving of thanks be made for all men,

2 for kings and all who are in authority,

that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and reverence.”

1 Timothy 2:1-2


“14 …If My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land. 15 Now My eyes will be open and My ears attentive to prayer made in this place. 16 For now I have chosen and sanctified this house, that My name may be there forever; and My eyes and My heart will be there perpetually.”

2 Chronicles 7:14-16


            Our pastor is truly an intercessor at heart. One of his biggest passions is prayer. Lois Garcia has partnered with this vision since 2012, and serves the people as our head Intercessor. She leads a group of intercessors to cry out to the Lord, for our congregational needs, local needs, regional and worldwide needs.

            In 2017, Pastor Rick had a vision of revival teams traveling to different cities and regions to release Healing and Deliverance. He saw teams of intercessors going out before us - days or weeks before the engagement - to “plow the ground” before the worship and ministry teams go. We seek to develop intercessory teams that would partner in this vision. Some will be “in-house,” some will go out, and some will do both. If you are new to our fellowship and seek to partner with the intercessors, the best place to start is to become faithful in House of Prayer attendance.

We are seeking individuals who would be passionate about their personal prayer time, as well as dedicated to the corporate house of prayer.
Intimacy in the Secret Place of Prayer
is where true worship comes from.
Musical performance is not enough.
Each person who serves in music ministry
must be trained to lead the congregation
into the presence and Throne Room of God.

Let’s Work Together

If you are a Singer or Musician who is interested in serving at TOBCF, or 

interested in being trained to serve elsewhere in the music department, please contact us!

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