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Elvira Salas is the leader of our Evangelism outreach and has been faithful in sharing the gospel and planning weekly outings to share the love of Jesus. The group ministers in many ways, including visiting the sick, visiting the elderly and homebound, ministering to our police and firefighters, going door to door, evangelizing at the mall and other public places, and much more.

One important thing to remember is that evangelism does not have to be a scheduled event done with a group or on a certain day of the week. Evangelism should be a way of life for every Christian. We should evangelize everywhere we go; in the grocery store, at the doctor's office, to our friends and families, at our schools and jobs, etc.

If you are interested in being trained to share the gospel, please see Pastor Rick or Elvira Salas.


I'm always looking for new and exciting opportunities. Let's connect.


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